
A FreeDem Seneschal as Talossa sluggishly emerges from election

With the results of elections to the 48th Cosa indicating that a coalition between the Free Democratic Alliance, the MRPT and the Progressives can command a majority, the king has appointed C. Carlüs Xheraltescù (FreeDem leader and former Seneschal of the Republic) to the Seneschalsqab.

M:sr Xheraltescù was quick to nominate a cabinet comprising members of the coalition parties, with Lüc da Schir of the MRPT taking the Distainsqab and the Ministry of Finance, Munditenens Tresplet handling the Ministry of the Interior, Vit Caçeir as Attorney-General, Sevastáin Pinatsch as Minister of Stuff, Breneir Itravilatx as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Miestrâ Schivâ as Minister of Culture.

The coalition has released an agreement outlining its programme for the upcoming term, which is reproduced in full here.

Coalition Agreement of the Free Democrat-Moderate Radical-Progressive Coalition (2015)  
We, the leaders and members of the above parties, agree to do the following as part of a coalition government between us:  
❖ Resolve of the Proclamation Crisis through support for the ‘Democratic Amendment’ currently in the Ziu’s Hopper
❖ Reform to the number of seats in the Cosa
❖ Remove the closed provinces rule
❖ Reform Senatorial elections which to account for the political problem caused by vastly different provincial population sizes
❖ Introduce a Humanitarian Aid bill to the Ziu
❖ Support for a government sponsored Cultural Prize
❖ Introduce a National Census, run in conjunction with the Chancery in order to address holes in the government’s records highlighted by the election
❖ Complete the transfer of Wittenberg administration as far as public boards are concerned, into the hands of the civil service
❖ Complete of previous government projects such as Catchment Reform, coins, and the website
❖ Introduce a nuanced system of mandatory Cosa lists which allow parties to deal with events beyond their control
❖ Appoint social media ambassadors to reinvigorate Talossa’s presence on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube etc.
❖ Push for the sale of stamps
❖ Hold a constitutional review of the Organic Law led by the Office of the Prime Ministry in order minimise the risk of future crises
❖ Review serious Talossa-like entities, and appoint active ambassadors
❖ Continue the previous government’s language education programmes
Meanwhile, there has been sluggishness on the part of the Uppermost Cort in validating the votes for the election, causing confusion and frustration at the beginning of the Cosa term. This suggests that improvements to the current ballot validation system are needed.

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