
Leading contender for the Seneschalsqab makes statement

Glüc da Dhi, senator for Cézembre and leader of the MRPT has issued a statement congratulating all the competing parties and indicating his willingness to work with them over the period of the 46th Cosa.

As the leader of the second-largest party in the upcoming Cosa (after the RUMP), S:r da Dhi is well placed to put together a coalition government -- something which has not been seen in Talossa for some time. The likely outcome will be an MRPT-ZRT-RPT alliance, although it is rather early to speculate about such things.

There have been concerns on Wittenberg about whether holding 100 seats in the 200-seat Cosa constitutes a "majority" for the purposes of forming a government, given that it is enough to secure a Vote of Confidence. Either way, any coalition government will have to be vigilant against a RUMP faction which remains strong -- the new coalition may have to strike agreements with the RUMP to maintain the confidence of the Cosa.

These are exciting times for the Kingdom, and Mormoglhen hopes for a change from business-as-usual RUMP government.

RUMP loses majority: possible MRPT-led coalition?

ABBAVILLA -- The (unverified) results of Talossa's semi-secret-ballot election have been published. The votes received are as follows:

ZRT 22

Miestra Schiva's projection of the seats is as follows:

MRT 54
ZRT 46
Maxime 4
This means that, barring a RUMP-RPT coalition (which is not impossible), or a RUMP-MRPT coalition (which, in Mormoglhen's view would be unfortunate), the viable option would be a "Time's Up!" Rainbow Coalition led by the MRPT, joined by the ZRT and supported by the RPT in votes of confidence. Luckily, the leader of the MRPT, Glüc da Dhi, lives in the Netherlands where they're used to coalitions and such things.

His Majesty the King has stated that: " It looks like we have some work ahead of us." It is Mormoglhen's fervent hope that an MRPT-ZRT coalition government will be formed, such that Talossa will achieve a change of governing party for the first time in nearly 8 years.