
Non ja'iens legeu Talossan dal falçatrúa electoral!

ABBAVILLA L'Avocat Xheneral, Magniloqueu da Lhiun, tent ziscovrat qe non ja'iens legeu Talossan contra la falçatrúa electoral.

El duceu del RUMP, Alexandreu Davinescu, tignhova quaxhitat l'Avocat Xheneral à prosecutarh el praischciatour scändlic Eiric S. Bornätfiglheu sub el legeu dal falçatrúa electoral; mas da Lhiun reveleva q'o non pognheva façarh-en, parç qe non exista ün tal legeu!

J'ont dals proviziuns contra la falçatrúa electoral in el codeu dal Visconça, mas acestilor-là non façent pärts dal porziun del codeu corporescu àl legeu Talossan par la titla A del Lexhatx.

Acest isch ün schoc per els lexhislateirs Talossaes, qi fossent strax scrudarh aceasta fora in el süstem lexhital.

El Segnhor Cresti Siervicül tent suxhestat dals paþeux alternatíus: per exampal, prosecutarh per la falçatrúa dal identità, l'útzil sanc auþorisaziun dels documenteux, eda el falsificatx.


Asmourescu courts controversy as RUMP correspondence leaked

Former justice of the Uppermost Cort and founder of the Talossan Workers' Party, Admiral T. M. Asmourescu, has leaked various items of correspondence from the RUMP's party mailing list, ostensibly in the public interest. Quoting from the Organic Law in relation to his actions, he said that "The right to privacy for public figures must be balanced by the public's right to know, in matters affecting politics, elections, campaigns, and governing. The intentional withholding of political information which reasonable voters might find helpful, profitable, or informative, violates the public's right to know."

This follows hot on the heels of a ruling in the Magistrate's Court upholding the legality of the retention of information and photographs about former citizen Viteu Marcianüs on TalossaWiki. Amourescu represented Marcianüs in that case.

Overall, the response to the leaks has been critical, with Attorney-General Magniloqueu da Lhiun sharply criticising the admiral:
You're on a weird crusade that makes no sense. I understand your - and Viteu's - rage about the case, and I, too, had expected that the court at least order the picture to be removed entirely. But you must surely see that, as much as the RUMP might be a little bit of a group of bullies and haters, this will only make you look bad. Since you are now the leader of a party, you cannot allow such bad publicity to rule the birth thereof.
Lib leader Carlüs Xheraltescu claimed that some of the contents of the leaks contained "rather troubling stuff", suggesting that the RUMP may have "let the opposition win the election so they wouldn't have to address the problem of being elected on inertia."

RUMP leader Alexandreu Davinescu objected to the argument that the leaks were in the public interest:
Let me once again say that this is a violation of the right to privacy for those involved. It is wrong for a recipient to publish them. The Fourth Covenant does not grant the public a right to private discussions  [...]
After pressure from parties involved, as well as Wittmeister King John's suggestion that the leaks may contravene US copyright law, the documents are currently being redacted.

Mormoglhen believes that the leaks are not particularly useful to the public, and that they reflect a deep personal vendetta held by Asmourescu against the RUMP and its members.

Coalition falls, Cosa dissolved!

The MRPT-ZRT coalition led by Senator Glüc da Dhi has lost the confidence of the lower house of the Ziu because Alexandreu Soleiglhfred MC, commanding 19 seats, failed to vote in time.

Demonstrating the fragility of the coalition's majority in the Cosa, the vote of confidence failed with 85 for and 96 against.

His Majesty the King has issued a Writ of Dissolution, and thoughts now turn to the upcoming election: the first for a long time in which the RUMP does not lead the incumbent government.

In a statement, the Seneschal expressed his disappointment that the planned coins project was not concluded during his term, as well as some planned reform legislation. He assured the nation that MRPT member S:r Soleiglhfred's failure to vote was not because of a loss of confidence in the government, and lamented such a dramatic break in the MRPT's otherwise pristine Cosa attendance record.

Furthermore, the Seneschal announced that he would be stepping down as leader of the MRPT, and retiring from national politics.

Meanwhile, no other bills were passed from what has turned out to be the final Clark of the 46th Cosa. Commenting on the failure of his Electoral Reform and Anti-Espionage bills, the Liberal Congress leader C. Carlüs Xheraltescu declared himself to be "unbelievably frustrated at the Fortress Senate right now."