There are two bills concerning micronational involvement in the Hopper at the moment: the ZRT's Live and Let Live Act, and Sir Cresti Siervicül's The One More Step Toward (Hopefully) Ending the Bug Wars Act. Meanwhile, Seneschal Nordselva's proposal of a commission has had a lukewarm reception.
The main difference between the acts is that One More Step provides for a blacklist of micronations, while Live and Let Live calls for a blacklist for any organisations which "threaten the safety and tranquility of Talossa". Additionally, in a bold opening section, Live and Let Live does away with both the micronation-defining-and-forbidding What's the Difference Act, as well as the Semi-Permeable Wall Act, which stops the government of Talossa from engaging in diplomacy with micronations. In the words of esteemed Peculiarist D. N. Vercariâ, they are "unconditionally dropped". The reasoning is that the government should be freed up in its foreign affairs competence, and that legislators should step out of the micronations business altogether.
Sir Cresti's bill references the phrase "bug nation": a term from the era of King Robert I denoting an annoying startup micronation, often consisting of only a website and a sign-up form, pestering Talossa for "diplomatic relations".
Mormoglhen hopes that there will be no rerun of the Sir Humphrey strife (where neither bill ended up passing), given that there are two competing bills on the same issue. One More Step may be in a stronger position, since it is supported by Alexandreu Davinescu and Sir Mick Preston, not known for their pro-reform stances on this issue. The bill is also supported by Seneschal Nordselva. As far as Mormoglhen is aware, this is the first time since What's the Difference that the RUMP has waded into "micronation reform".
However, the issue is more important to parties such as the ZRT who included repeal of all micronation acts in its manifesto. It is unsurprising that the ZRT's bill is purer and more ideological. It is the hope of Mormoglhen that the aims of the ZRT's Live and Let Live Act proposal will be enacted, allowing for fewer arbitrary infringements on the freedoms of Talossans.
It is clear that the recent tumults concerning micronational involvement, as well as general Talossan bickering has left some needing some fresh air , not least the Prime Minister, who has declared a Month of Recess despite the Hopper teeming with controversial bills!
Mormoglhen's sidebar poll shows unanimous agreement that the RUMP is incoherent on micronations, however this may merely be reflective of Mormoglhen's die-hard readership!
New ZRT Secretary-Convenor
The Zefençadéirs del Repúblicanismeu Talossán has chosen Dr. Txec dal
Nordselvă as the new Secretary-Convenor of the caucus.
As secretary-convener, Dr. dal...
9 years ago