
MRPT campaign in full swing

"You may want to vote for us,
but you don't have to"
The MRPT has released its manifesto for the upcoming election with leader Glüc da Dhi describing it as the "absolutely brilliant, even better than the last one, definitive manifesto of the MRPT for the 44th Cosa".

The major points of the manifesto include abolishing the Vote of Confidence during the first Clark of a Cosâ, allowing more time for the formation of a government after an election, direct election of the Seneschál, IRV for the Senäts, and a small fee for contesting Senatorial elections. This final position has sparked some debate on the Wittenberg discussion board.

While not ruling out introducing the secret ballot, the party is certainly not as enthusiastic about the issue as the ZRT. Similarly, on the topic of monarchy, the party remains staunchly royalist, carrying the slogan: Electoral reform??? Yes. Republicanism??? No.

In addition to M:sr da Dhi, the party's candidate list to date includes Alexandreu Likazar of Cézembre and Lüc da Schir of Benito. The party is soon to release its fifty-word statement.

While modestly assuring voters that they "don't have to" vote MRPT, the Seahorses may make surprise gains in upcoming election. Only time will tell us the shape the future political landscape of Talossa.


ZRT launches radical platform

Not to be left behind in the election race for the 44th Cosâ, the Zefençadéirs del Repúblicánismeu Talossán (Defenders of Talossan Republicanism) have launched their election manifesto. Its key planks include the adoption of the secret ballot, party-lists, simplification of the law and the repeal of the Semi-Permeable Wall Act.

The party's General Secretary, C. Carlüs Xheráltsëfiglheu unveiled the manifesto which contains a radical seven point plan consisting of: nationalism, traditionalism, pretentiousness, democratic dirigisme, diversity, outward focus, and republicanism.

Under the leadership of Miestrâ Schivâ, the party has endorsed her in the Fiôvân senatorial race and as the party's prospective nominee for Seneschál. In the election for Fiôvâ's provincial executive, the Capitán, the party's nominee is Carlüs Xheráltsëfiglheu.

A slate of spokespeople has also been announced by the party. Eiric Börnatfiglheu is the Culture Spokesperson, Miestrâ Schivâ holds Foreign Affairs, with Xheráltsëfiglheu shadowing the Justice portfolio and E. D. Ursüm focusing on Stuff.

Is this radical vision the future for Talossa? One thing is for certain: politics will never be the same again after reunision!


Election season kicks off with RUMP manifesto

Wittenberg was today thrown into election-mode with the announcement by M:sr Vitxalmour Conductour, campaign manager for the RUMP, of that party's platform for the 44th Cosa.

In the document, the party has revealed its new name: Royalists United for the Monarch and People. Throughout the platform, the party seems keen to demonstrate its monarchist nature, perhaps aiming to combat a new challenger, Miestrâ Schivâ's democratic reformist Zefençadéirs del Republicanismeu Talossán.

In a relatively lengthy description of the party's stance on a broad range of topics, several clear points have emerged.

  • The RUMP is most definitely a monarchist party
  • Lord Hooligan will be the party's nominee for Seneschál, with Çesli da Chilseu as Distáin
  • Reform immigration law so that immigrants can choose from among available provinces upon immigration to the Regipäts
  • Work towards a new web presence for Talossa
  • A "serious effort" to contact läpsilor (Talossans who have fallen away from the fold), in the wake of the Reunision
All-in-all, the party has released a solidly conservative platform, dedicating itself to "maintaining the current state of affairs", providing the "least government" possible, and retaining the current policy towards micronations.

The ZRT and MRPT have already released early platforms. Campaigning is also expected from the CSPP and the APT.

[EDITORIAL] Why a 20-seat Cosa makes sense

Right now, the lower house of the Talossan Ziu comprises 200 seats apportioned between parties based on the most recent election results. The first thing that is striking is that the Kingdom doesn't even have 200 citizens, let alone ones willing to become legislators. At the time of writing we have a grand total of 160 individuals in possession of the Best Thing Money Can't Buy. This is the first thing that makes the choice of 200 seats seem a trifle odd.

It hasn't always been this way. The original wording of the relevant section of the 1997 Organic Law was, in fact:
The Cosâ is composed of 20 seats, apportioned among the parties in proportion to the popular vote cast for parties in the last election (abstentions, spoilt ballots, non-votes and votes for parties which did not register being omitted from this count so that all who actually vote for parties comprise 100% of the total "popular vote" for this purpose).
Having a legislature of 20 seats would solve the quirk (some would say absurdity) of Talossan politics that individual Members of the Cosa hold varying amounts of "seats" in that body. Is there a reason why we should not be honest with ourselves?

Would there be enough members to fill such a house? A quick look at the current composition of the Cosa shows a little over twenty members. There have been fewer at times. Our current population levels and the average amount of legislators leave us with certainly enough people to allow a "one Member, one vote system".

It is Mormoglhen's firm belief that this reform, in addition to a formalized party-list system will make our elections more democratic and more competitive.

And if that is too much, maybe a 100 seat Cosa?


The emergence of a Fiôvân constitution

"Vert two bars gules surmounted
by a mullet inverted argent"
FIOVA -- After much debate, Miestrâ Schivâ has announced a final vote on a proposed constitution for the gestating Fiôvâ province. The constitution includes provision for: a chief executive named the Capitán, elected by secret ballot to a one year term; a general assembly of all citizens; and a Landsdoom holding judicial power. The proposed provincial flag is based on one from the series Firefly, recoloured to Talossan red and green.

Particularly controversial has been the issue of the royal veto, and the confusion concerning the royal prerogatives at the provincial level. Schiva's original draft stipulated that a Cunstavál's veto could be overturned by a simple majority of the General Assembly of Fiôvâ. Many citizens of the proposed province have indicated their desire to avoid giving unnecessary power to the institutions of the crown in the province. However, this provision was challenged by both Baron Hooligan and King John, who argued that a simple majority to overturn a veto is meaningless, and that the Organic Law suggests that a 2/3 majority should be necessary for such an action. This was disputed by leading Fiôvâns, as well as Alexander Davis of Maritiimi-Maxhestic, whose own constitution includes a similar provision to the one proposed.

In the end, it was settled not to mention the veto in the final draft, and that the issue would fall to the courts in the event of a dispute.