41RZ2, proposing the How Did They Vote Act, introduced by Senator Viteu Toctviac'hteir of Vuode, has been relatively controversial. The bill, which explicitly mandates the regular archival of the Clark legislative journal has been condemned by many, including the former Secretary of State, Mick Preston, for being unnecessary.
The The Petty Tyrant Eradication Amendment, proposed by Seneschal Alexander Davis, would change the Organic Law so that those läpsilor or others who wish to regain citizenship of the Kingdom of Talossa need not bring their case before the Uppermost Cort, but simply go through the ordinary channels as a new prospective would. Supporters of the amendment argue that nobody should be humiliated or made to grovel in order to attain citizenship, while opponents — including Chancellor of the Royal Talossan Bar, Litz Cjantscheir — claim that the bill would not prevent humiliation and would not be an appropriate change. MC Cjantscheir has proposed that the present system be retained, but that the Ziu would be capable of overturning the Cort's decision by a two-thirds resolution.
The third bill where there has been obvious difference of opinion is the Protecting the Honour of the Senäts Amendment, from Senator Toctviac'hteir, which proposes that the Senäts may vote to nominate one of its own members for removal from the body, effective upon an affirmative vote in a plebiscite of that Senators constituency province. The vote on the bill is currently 115 per to 17 contra.