
A Day at the Ziu

In the new Secretary of State's first Clark, there has been a considerable division amongst legislators over several of its bills.

41RZ2, proposing the How Did They Vote Act, introduced by Senator Viteu Toctviac'hteir of Vuode, has been relatively controversial. The bill, which explicitly mandates the regular archival of the Clark legislative journal has been condemned by many, including the former Secretary of State, Mick Preston, for being unnecessary.

The The Petty Tyrant Eradication Amendment, proposed by Seneschal Alexander Davis, would change the Organic Law so that those läpsilor or others who wish to regain citizenship of the Kingdom of Talossa need not bring their case before the Uppermost Cort, but simply go through the ordinary channels as a new prospective would. Supporters of the amendment argue that nobody should be humiliated or made to grovel in order to attain citizenship, while opponents — including Chancellor of the Royal Talossan Bar, Litz Cjantscheir — claim that the bill would not prevent humiliation and would not be an appropriate change. MC Cjantscheir has proposed that the present system be retained, but that the Ziu would be capable of overturning the Cort's decision by a two-thirds resolution.

The third bill where there has been obvious difference of opinion is the Protecting the Honour of the Senäts Amendment, from Senator Toctviac'hteir, which proposes that the Senäts may vote to nominate one of its own members for removal from the body, effective upon an affirmative vote in a plebiscite of that Senators constituency province. The vote on the bill is currently 115 per to 17 contra.

Noveux armeux per las ministraes

El Coletx Rexhital d'Armeux tent fäts üna grantaziun d'armeux uficiais à severais ministraes del Cußeglh.

Din sieu zesclaraziun da 9 julia, el Provastour Actind — el Domnul la Mha — granteva els armeux per la Prüma Ministrà, la Ministrà dals Afaes Utphätseschti, la Ministrà dal Finançù, es la Ministrà dels Afaes Inphätseschti.

Las zesegñhas includent: ün itrì da séifet püntas per la Prüma Ministrà, ün signeu del bent per la Ministrà dal Finançù, es ün glas da l'erxhent curind Talossan per l'Inmigraziun (cumpäts unuficial...)

Acestilor armeux füvent granteschti àl requesta da Dréu Gavartgic'h, el Ministreu del Sanavarh da Talossa àls Ultra-Fiovaes Folas, com'iens pärts del Governamaintsch sè progräm per la Cosa corentic.


New SoS for the RT

Mick Preston, Secretary of State of the Kingdom of Talossa since April of 2007, announced his retirement from that post yesterday.

In his announcement (his last pronouncement as SoS), Preston said that "[he] stood on the shoulders of giants," and that his tenure in the office was "a great time," before stamping the seal of the Chancery, ending an era of Talossan statecraft.

Many Talossans, including Seneschal Alexander Davis, expressed their thanks and best wishes for his fulfilment of one of the most taxing and important offices of state.

Prime Minister Davis today appointed Preston's successor in the rôle: Distain Iustì Carlüs Canun.

David V. completes Chronicle

Talossan observer David V. has completed a history of Talossan election results.

A Chronicle of Talossan Elections Since 1985, which is posted on Witt XII, the Republic's discussion board, analyses historical Talossan transitions of power and the evolution of the parliamentary system and composition.

M:sr V. concluded the Chronicle announcing: "I give assent to both Kingdom and Republic citizens using this as they see fit, and feel free to add commentary and corrections."


Lucifeirs, müstair, þonör, és calatsch

Qet'st din la Luploira acest mes?
J'ont severais proxhects del legeu propoçats per la ziscußiun à presaintsch. Ça includent el Praxel del Prüm Lucifeir, el Praxel da "Nithil Isch Unpouçival pr'iens Erteier," l'Amendamaintsch per la Proteziun del Thonör del Senäts, és l'Amendamaintsch AntiUnRenunçaziun.

The First Matchstick Act
Acest praxel setadreu la República da Talossa sür ün "list biançéu" dals naziunetas q'els citaxhiens del Regipäts povent entrarh. Ça prompteva muita cuntroverçù, dü àl contradiziun oviös intr'estarh ün republican és ün rexhalistà simultanamint.

The Nothing Is Impossible for a Talossan Act
Aicí, c'è clarificat qe ün Erteier put tirh sieu calatsch és ocsà en menxharh. Legalmint.

The Protecting the Honour of the Senate Amendment
Acest proxhect creata ün mec'hänismeu per l'ablaziun dels Senators. Pirmalaiset, ün Senator estadra impüstat par el Senäts, aglhorc la provinçu confirmadra l'ablaziun.

The Anti-Un-Renunciation Amendment
Força dels events recents, acest proxhect remova el pieriot da merthédes (24 thoras) à retractarh üna renunçaziun dal citaxhienità.

El Ziu serà in spaßetxada per el mes da Gün.

New Prüm Citaxhiên for the Republic

Miestrâ Patricâsëfiglhâ Schivâ has been elected the new Prüm Citaxhiên of the Talossan Republic, taking over from the incumbent, Txec Danihél Dàl Már.

With a clear mandate of 61.5% of the electorate, Schivâ promises "a program for ACTION," and hopes to rejuvenate the Republic's community by reaching out to and surveying the citizenry on their vision for Talossa. Second in the election race was Gödafrïeu Válcadác'h, who stood on a less ambitious platform and gained 30.8% of the vote. D.N. Vercariâ, a former Prüm Citaxhiên, came third with 7.7%.

D:na Schivâ is expected to address a joint session of Parlamînt outlining her programme.

The results of latest constitutional amendment were also revealed today. The amendment, which alters the power of all branches of the Republic's government was approved by the people by a large majority of 91%.

Cézembrians consider amendments

The Sénéchal of Cézembre, Tycho van Die has proposed an amendment to the province's constitution. Entitled C2, the amendment notably simplifies the provincial legislature by abolishing the tiered membership system and introducing a fixed number of seats.

Developed by Premier van Die and Litz Cjantscheir, a prominent Cézembrienne, the amendment proposes the d'Hont Method of proportional representation for the assignment of seats in the 20-seat États.

Other changes made by the amendment include a clause explicitly requesting that the Chancery conduct provincial elections, and the provision that "one seat cannot be divided among nor assigned to more than one citizen."


Davis fäts 'n invitaziun, mas aliquands compromiçuns

El Seneschal, Alexander Davis, oxhi emestev'iensa proclamaziun "reconéiç[ind] las comtribuziuns" dels individuais qi -- in reacziun àl veþaviör del regeu vienstempmint, Rôibeard -- zespartevent el Regipäts à formarh la Republica Talossan. La proclamaziun ariveva in respuns à'iensa analüçaziun és ün criticamaintsch suvlonc dal cünstavalità corentic del Regipäts par el ex-Sheneschal, és citaxhien corentic dal Republica, Gödafrïeu Válcadác’h.

Din tres posts sür Wittenberg, Válcadác’h gratülescheva Davis per sieu apüntamaintsch àl Seneschalsqab, mas procedeva à façarh üna zefençù paßiunar dal posiziun republican, és à condemnarh el Regipäts per sieu "silençù" és per sieu "veneraziun" del Legeu Orgänic.

Avant o emesteva la proclamaziun, Davis criticeva la Republica à c'hauça da sieu "vitriol istuporat" à lo. Com'evri, o noteva qe "[las republicaes sè] zespärts füt xhustificat," és qe "neviens en zisputa."

Din la proclamaziun, o nomineva l'exodüs "üna traxhedà," mas refuçeva imoblideiramint da façarh eð'à ziscutarh iñen compromiçù över el Legeu Orgänic eða la monarc'hà. El Prüm Ministreu parleva da sieu auxheziun àl Doctrinâ Schivâ (ün Legeu dal Republica qe resquira l'ablaziun d'acestilor elemints del reitxim del Regipäts avant las negociaziuns seriösen da "reviennind" povent paßarh), zepictind dels pärtsilor come "apartì odiösen."

O plana à cambiarh la meþoda da reattainarh la citaxhienità del Regipäts, svo að ça serent "pü lißeu, és mïus niderind."

Àl concluziun dal proclamaziun, Davis façev'iensa invitaziun simpil: "viensiçetz avetz üns, és com'acest noi embù serent pü läxhir."